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Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 21:16
by -elky-
could we have a forum devoted to the pf's here?

i think that would b good seeing as the g180w was in them?

what do you think?

Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 01:18
by Poida
Let me think it over...

Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 10:13
by mikuni
Its probably unnecessary, this forum is about twincam motors, do we need individual forums for every vehicle that came out with them? we know what cars they were and there are PLENTY of gemini forums around the place.

Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 11:19
by Poida
Yeah I was kinda thinking that too. I have already ventured off the track a bit with the Delco stuff and am seriously thinking of setting that up on a forum of it's own.

Still thinking....

pf gems

Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 21:35
by -elky-
yeah we need another avenue for pf discussion as the topic inevitably leads to forum bashing, and i am sick of trying to justify the value of these cars to ppl who have no sense of worth or history of the isuzu marque

just look at the post by zzr81 over that yellow pf, if you took out the bagging replys then the tread would of been half as long!!


Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 02:51
by Poida
For now I'll leave it as is. I'll keep an open mind on some future changes.

Anyone who has a PF in Oz or NZ would probably have it due to the fact it has a fancy rocker valve on it's engine. That's what this forum is primarily all about, more the engine irrespective of the car body type. Over time the number of members will slowly grow, no where near as quickly as some other venues. That's fine by me. I'm not interested in number crunching. The forum isn't about specific cars, just specific engines. If I start to segregate sections then it just makes the forum look more cluttered.

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 03:28
by archangel62
It's all a case of getting too specific and too confusing. Taking that angle, we could start forums for people with twincams dropped in regular Geminis, people with twincams in Piazzas and people with twincams factory in ZZ and PF models... But how many posts would you get on each forum? It'd be like "Hey guys, I just put in my quad turbocharged five billion kilowatt G200W"... Then a few weeks later some guy would be like "werrrd"...

I say you just yell at anyone who doesn't appreciate the PF60s etc, or ignore them. I love this site, but it's already a small enough community as is, without further class restriction, beit as a seperate forum or a seperate category...

Posted: 17 May 2006, 17:47
by Poida
Just a thougt on the idea that elky brought up with specific sections for different model cars that used the 'W' engines....

I may soon expand a little if an idea that another member put to me happens. I'm still not exactly sure how I'll set up but we may have some sun forums for different cars and I might condense some of the sub forums I already have.