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One wonders....

Posted: 21 Jul 2006, 18:13
by Poida


Posted: 23 Jul 2006, 10:14
by elky
u reckon some hackin has been goin on?

Posted: 23 Jul 2006, 16:19
by Poida
Na just some warped stroke of luck that I happened to glance at the screen at the very time the two things happened to be aligned so I thought I'd snap shot it.

Posted: 23 Jul 2006, 16:41
by mikuni
Hahah yeh thats pretty crazy aye. Lucky the media isn't involved, would probably turn it round to say terrorists are involved :roll: heh

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 14:47
by IZU069
Support Terrorism - give echelon hell!
Reminds me of another Forum I visited recently (video editing software).
It seems users and owners are complaning about how hard it is to FIND info.
I can't understand why - just 'cos there is no search function and there are only some 150 summary pages that you have to scroll through. Of course the subject/titles are really helpful - like "please help", "newbie" etc. And they are getting hundreds of new members per day! rothlmao!

The owners reckon they tell people to look first before posting!
Just like my former employer - a LAN will solve everything! And we won;t have to train you, or even think about rules.
The new too will solve al information problems - and everything is so true & correct!
Jus like tonights pending ACA or TT about the '4c discount rippoff' - how supermarkets near servos charge extra for groceries (!!??!).
Yep, one piece of misinformation - whether deliberate or otherwise - and everyone is off. (Like my recent involvement in 'helping' to set up a certain site and its references to the ICCA & its 'Isuzu badge discrimination' etc. Some people make a living out of this.

I'd hope the posted screenshot is an anomally (but sht does happen, buffers need flushing etc, and then there's windoze (does anyone still use IE?)).
Or maybe its people clocking up the xx number of posts to get site privelidges? (I feel guilty clocking up this this one - it is not relevant to DOHCs, yet it may still count as a credit.)

I'll get back to finding that Piazza schematic to confirm that 'cars like that' would not have an oil-switch interaction or cut-out for the fuel pump or engine ets - only Mercs & BMWs would have that! Yeah, right! (Hey - I may be wrong, but....)

And hoping it ain't a hacker. But if this site gets directed to a sex site ....


Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 02:09
by archangel62

Nice find Poida! Hahahah...