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G200W Dizzy cap

Posted: 12 Jan 2006, 17:45
by gembus
Im pretty much after a distributor cap and leads to suit my G200. The cap i have now is smashed and the coil lead is gone. Its either another stock one or one off a different car. Does anyone know of another cap that will fit my distributor or another hole distributor that will fit in my engine.


Whole Thing ....

Posted: 16 Jan 2006, 01:03
by Jay Dee
I have three complete G200W (DOHC) "ignitors" I guess you can call them distributors ... they stickout of the cam cover at right angles to the motor and have a distibutor cap and leads on them.
Also have complete twin cam motors - several of them out of early 1980's Piazzas.
PM or e-Mail me if interested.

Posted: 17 Jan 2006, 09:19
by archangel62
Jay Dee is this the complete G200W "electronic dizzy" ? ie suitable for me to put on my G180W?

Posted: 17 Jan 2006, 14:10
by Poida
Jay Dee, I might be interested in one too. I am wanting to replace a points type distributor from a G180W. Can you take some images of these and post them for us? Are they two wire output with a magnetic reluctor type system or Hall effect with a slotted steel disc that passes between a sensor?

RE: G200W Ignitors

Posted: 17 Jan 2006, 20:50
by Jay Dee
They are complete units that look just like distibutors.

Never seen a G180W - only ever seen one Gemini over here - driving past so I have no idea what a Gemini one looks like.

I will be at my workshop tomorrow trying to find some Opel parts a local wants. Will try to load up some pics this week end - unless life intrudes and I get used as "slave labour" in the garden ... again!

"Magnetic Reluctor" ??? "Hall Effect" ????? .... I know about points and condensors ........ and they have not got those old things ..... anything else is a total mystery to me!

Jay Dee

Posted: 18 Jan 2006, 04:06
by Poida
LOL.. Ok cool. Some images of the internal workings would be useful.

Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 01:58
by archangel62
Poida wrote:Jay Dee, I might be interested in one too. I am wanting to replace a points type distributor from a G180W. Can you take some images of these and post them for us? Are they two wire output with a magnetic reluctor type system or Hall effect with a slotted steel disc that passes between a sensor?
x2, but I'll get in line.. ie you guys can go for it if you want it. lol, I can't imagine a country without Gems...


Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 06:10
by JD
Took a pic of them - I have two spares.
How the blue blazes do I upload pics to this site?? What is a URL???

Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 16:37
by Poida
Sorry, I did have an image upload option in the page where you type up your messages. I've reinstalled it again now. Give it another try. It's the "Image Hosting by ImageShack - TOS" link directly below the text box.

Just click on the [Browse] button and select a file from your computer. Then select the [host it] button. A new screen will show you the options for links. Select either the "Thumbnails for Forums (1)" link for small compact images, or select the "Hotlink for Forums (1)" for full sze images. Both are simple 'copy-n-paste' options.

Piazza G200W Ignitior Pics.

Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 23:20
by Jay Dee
Thanks Poida - with luck here is a pic of the G200W "dissy":

Just get message: "The page cannot be displayed"

OR the whole page "freezes" when it shows up with the only thing that will"click" being the "Post to Blog" box

Posted: 22 Jan 2006, 03:55
by Poida
It works fine everytime I try it. Sometimes Imageshack can be a bit slow but keep trying.
* When I try to upload an image, the upload does not complete and I get a blank page.

The image you are uploading is too large for ImageShack to resize. Please resize it using a graphics editing program such as Adobe PhotoShop or Jasc Paint Shop Pro. You can also use software that came with your printer, scanner, or digital camera.
Just make sure the image you are trying to upload is in jpg format. That's the best format for presenting small image files. If it's a .bmp it's possibly too big a file.


If you have any questions about image hosting read the Imageshack FAQ page.

Dissy Pics

Posted: 22 Jan 2006, 10:14
by Jay Dee
Still trying to upload a pic - click the wrong thing and it all disapears.
Five attempts so far and hours down the drain!
Need a STEP by STEP instruction somewhere - I read the FAQ and it told me about the CTRL C bit but Ihad to ask the neighbour about the CTRL V bit to "paste" it. Then the whole thing disappeared again when I tried to Preview it - could not get back from the preview without the whole site crashing off line. Why is this not straight forward like the Opel site ???

Sixth try:Image

So that is "copy-n-paste" !!! Not just simple - needed instructions!

Posted: 22 Jan 2006, 13:18
by Poida
Thanks for that image JD. It shows what I was wanting to see. I'd prefer it cap, leads and all if thats possible. Do they normally have an external exciter module they plug into? Looking at that plug on the lead end it looks like they might just plug directly to the coil. That's a standard coil/distributor plug.

I'm definately in for one of those if you have a complete one. How much were you wanting for one?

Ignitors & Module

Posted: 22 Jan 2006, 21:39
by JD
I will check what the dissy wires pug into this week - may be as late as Thursday till I see the running complete car I have!
As to price - make me an offer I cannot refuse once I have checked this out. The last one I tried to buy here from a wrecker was not cheap - that is why I collected several by buying whole cars! What is one worth on your side of the pond?

Don't forget to log in before posting! :wink:

Posted: 22 Jan 2006, 22:08
by gembus
Oh sorry mate ive got one on the way. But if i need parts i know who to ask.
Thanks anyway.

Posted: 23 Jan 2006, 01:21
by Poida
Jay Dee, I sent you a PM.

Re: Ignitors & Module

Posted: 24 Jan 2006, 07:02
by archangel62
If you have one left after selling Poida one, I might consider buying it for the same price you arrange with him. I don't know what these things go for so a rough figure would be needed before I can confirm things.


Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 00:10
by Jay Dee
Sorry about not logging in - sometimes things on the computers elude me and I run out of time to find out what I did wrong!

Rang an Auto Dismantler today (GM specialist) and asked about a G200W Ignitor: "$NZ150 - have only one left"

If that sounds too much just let me know your best offer - I would swap for a 117 Coupe' points distributor as there is a local here who wants one.
You pay postage both ways though! May be less expensive to buy outright of course.....

PS: Would swap two ignitors for one of the V2032KC headgasket sets from Burson Automotive - if that helps.

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 03:04
by Poida
How much does a complete dissy with the rotor button, cap, leads and sub wiring loom weigh? Have to factor in the cost of postage too.

Maybe if you could set it up in as small a package as possible and have it weighed so we can work out it's cost. Don't forget, any oil or grease can't be allowed to escape so double wrap it in plastic inside some sort of cardboard box. Don't want to find it has been blasted to death by a robot with a sawn-off on the airport tarmac when it began to ooze grease and muck!!

I estimated it shouldn't weigh in more than about 1kg and that costs NZ$12.90 to send air mail over the ditch.

I'm definately still interested in one.

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 17:55
by Poida
Oh, and I fixed the not logging in thing.. Non members (or members who are no longer logged in) will be prompted to sign in now when they even try to view the forums.

Unregistered people can only view the forum index of all sections. All forum thread viewing is restricted to members only, except the section for selling and buying.

Unregistered people can:
View the index, Read, Post & Reply in the "For Sale" section
View the index, Read, Post & Reply only in the "Wanted to Buy" section
View the index only in the "Parts Suppliers" section


Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 18:07
by Jay Dee
I shall pack and weigh one - Best Lady has just returned home from hospital after having eye surgery - cataract removed so I have a coupe of busy days ahead of me till she can see again. Will do ASAP but it may be the weekend before anything happens.

Posted: 25 Jan 2006, 23:56
by Poida
Yeah, no rush. Take your time.

Posted: 25 Feb 2006, 03:08
by Poida
Any progress on these freight prices? Looking at getting started on fitting up the Delco ECM to my TC soon so I'll be needing something other than points.

If possible, can you get a more detailed image or two of the actual internal mechanism of the dissy... looks like small holes in that flat metal disc. I'm wondering if it's not an optical system perhaps? Do you also have any modules that would have been connected to the other end of that lead wire? Are there four connectors in the wiring plug?

Posted: 25 Feb 2006, 15:43
by mikuni
Jay Dee, Very interested in a G200W motor and I might up someone else up here after a motor also, and another guy after a dizzy.
How much are you selling the engines for?

Posted: 26 Feb 2006, 03:55
by archangel62
Stupid question I know, but whats NZ$1 worth in AU$ ?

Still interested, but as Poida said, take your time.